
Sunday, June 9, 2024



An Evolutionary Trajectory for a Particular Genetic Population That Exhibits a Propensity for Abstract Reasoning, and Speculation as to Its Future


 The trajectory of hominid evolution is illustrated by bipedality, encephalization and investment in childcare.  Our unique ability to reason abstractly, expressed by using complex tools, eating cooked meat, language, wearing personal adornments, cave painting, etc., distinguishes us as modern human beings.  On a different level, Jews also have distinguished themselves as a special people by their ability to reason abstractly.

Abstract thought is the basis for innovation and creativity. Innovation, initiative and intelligence are keys to this endeavor.  It has been so throughout 50,000 years of modern human existence.  Abstract thought is a defining characteristic of human beings.  It is also the characteristic that defines Abraham’s family, the Jews.

During their 4,000-year history, Jewish people have given rise to a specific genetic population probably through the mechanism of inbreeding.  A proof of a genetic population is the manifestation of positive and negative genetic outcomes.  Within the Jewish genetic population, there is a disproportionate number of positive and negative genetic outcomes.


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Genetic Outcomes

 A positive genetic outcome for Jews is that they show an unusual propensity for abstract reasoning.  This characteristic may be possibly modified by cultural adaptation.  A negative genetic outcome is the number of genetic diseases associated with Jewish medical patients. As this population evolves and medical science makes advances, Jewish genetic diseases will diminish.  The trajectory for Jews in regard to their capacity for abstract reasoning is open to question.

I developed an appreciation for some of the concepts associated with population adaptation and evolution when witnessing a marathon race in Tiberias, Israel several weeks ago The lead runners who lined up at the forefront of the pack were from Kenya or Ethiopia.   These were some of the fastest people in the world, men who could complete a 26 mile course in a little over 2 hours, running at a 5 minute/mile pace.  Looking at these amazing runners, I thought what a special gene pool.  Over a period of time an adaptive mutation or mutations have enabled these men to outrun everyone else on the planet…and it’s happening before my eyes, an example of evolution through selective adaptation, literally in motion.

On the bus ride back to Nahariya, my home, I got to thinking about my own gene pool and that of my fellow Jews.  I asked myself whether or not there is such a thing as a “Jewish genetic population”.   All human beings carry a couple of dozen or more mutant genes, and that the chances of a mutation expressing itself in an offspring are one in four when you mate with an individual who also carries that same mutant gene.  Most mutations, unlike that for the Kenyan and Ethiopian runners, are not favorable.  If there is a genetic Jewish population, it should express itself in an unfavorable mutant gene outcome.  Likewise, perhaps there is an expression of a favorable mutant gene outcome.

Arguments In Support of a Jewish Genetic Population

Is there such a thing as a genetic Jewish population, keeping in mind that Jews represent only 0.2% of the world’s population?  Political correctness and the issue of racism aside, I think the answer is probably yes, and that it has to do with inbreeding.

History of Jewish Inbreeding

Historically Jews have been isolated, originally by geography, then by culture and religion.  All of which leads to inbreeding and a resultant preponderance of mutant gene expression.  It is not a wild speculation that throughout Jewish history, Jews married, if not a close relative, then within their tribes or villages or with a fellow Jew.   If there is a 4,000-year history of inbreeding, then there should be evidence of some sort of mutant gene expression.

 Biblical Proofs for Jewish Inbreeding

The Bible is not a science book; nor is it a history book; the bible is a religious book.  That having said, my ancient Jewish ancestors married close relatives: Abraham married his niece, Sarah; Isaac married his cousin Rebecca, as did Jacob marry his cousins Rachel and Leah.  Even Moses’ father Avram married Jocheved his aunt.  [As an aside: While not Jewish, and for whatever reason, Charles Darwin married his first cousin, Emma.]

A Modern Day Conjectural Proof

Jumping from biblical times to modern times, many jurisdictions in the USA do not permit marriages between close relatives.  However, Rhode Island allows Jewish people to marry a close relative.  Although Rhode Island does not permit marriages between close relatives, Rhode Island does make an exception for Jewish people.   Rhode Island allows Jewish uncles to marry their Jewish nieces if they are part of a community, such as Orthodox Jews, for whom such marriages are permitted (Rhode Island General Laws: § 15-1-4 Marriages of kindred allowed by Jewish religion).  I conjecture that if inbreeding between Jews was only practiced in antiquity, and not any longer today, Rhode Island would not have this statute on its books.

Genetic Studies

There is recent published study which suggests that male Diaspora Jews from Europe, Northwest Africa, and the Near East resemble each other more closely than they resemble their non-Jewish neighbors.  An Archaeo-geneticist, Martin Richards, found that 50 to 80 percent of DNA from the Ashkenazi Y chromosome (whatever that is) originated in the Near East. This supports a theory that when Jews were dispersed from Israel they largely did not intermarry with non-Jews when they settled in Europe.

However this finding is tempered by another study which concludes that about 2,000 years ago when the Roman Empire dispersed Jews from Israel significant portions of the male population married female converts.  This conclusion notwithstanding, it would appear that the Jewish population at large has a unique gene pool.

 Genetic Disease as a Proof of Inbreeding

Most mutations, unlike that for the Kenyan and Ethiopian runners, are not favorable.  This is borne out when you look at the quantity of genetic diseases that adversely affect Jewish families.  I went to the website of the Jewish Genetic Disease Consortium and saw listed thirty-six serious diseases that are more prevalent in either Ashkenazi (Jews from communities in central and eastern Europe) or Sephardic (Jews originating from communities in Spain, Portugal, North Africa and the Middle East) Jewish populations than in the general population at large.

Caveat: It should be pointed out, however that there may be a sampling bias in terms of Jewish genetic diseases because Jewish populations have been studied more thoroughly than most other human populations.

Abstract Reasoning

One definition of abstract reasoning is the ability to analyze information and solve problems on a complex, thought-based level.  The hallmark for modern human beings is the ability to engage in abstract reasoning.  It is not easy to demonstrate the evolution of abstract reasoning.  To do this you need artifacts.  For example, a 100,000-year-old sophisticated “paint workshop” was found in a cave located in South Africa.  The cave contained fossil artifacts that demonstrate the ability of early humans to source, combine, and store substances in order to make paint.  This represents a benchmark in the evolution of complex human cognition.  However, where there are no artifacts, it is much more difficult to hypothesize, let alone prove, evidence of human abstract reasoning.

Abstract Reasoning As Evidenced By the Jewish Genetic Population

Using the Book of Genesis as a proof, we see that 3,800 years ago, Abraham, somehow or other, put together that the world is governed by one deity, a supreme deity. This is the revolutionary concept that we call monotheism.  What makes this leap in abstract thought even more amazing is that in contrast to how “gods” were perceived at that time, Abraham’s God was invisible and incorporeal.

About 500 years later at Mt. Sinai, the Jewish God commanded His people, recently freed from centuries of slavery, where they were worked like animals, to take one day off a week.  He called this day the Sabbath, an unheard-of abstract concept then and to some extent even now.

Humans who could grasp these ground-breaking abstract thoughts had to be unique.  I call them the “proto-Jews”, and through inbreeding they have developed into a special population, albeit perhaps tempered by culture, an extraordinary genetic population.

The Disproportionate Jewish Contribution to Humankind

If you are not impressed by a proof from the Bible, the try this approach:

 Leading off with Karl Marx, Jesus, Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud, one has to wonder: What is going on here? These four individuals are hardly linked religiously or culturally, but inasmuch as they all share a common Jewish heritage, perhaps they also share a particular positive “Jewish gene” for abstract thought.

Consider if you will the Nobel Prize. It was first awarded in 1901 for achievements in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace. An associated prize in Economics has been awarded since 1969. Nobel Prizes have been awarded to over 850 individuals of whom at least 20% were Jews, although Jews comprise less than 0.2% of the world's population. Overall, Jews have won a total of 41% of all the Nobel Prizes in economics, 28% of medicine, 26% of Physics, 19% of Chemistry, 13% of Literature and only 9% of all peace awards.

Richard Dawkins who is a biologist, author and atheist expressed his bewilderment at the disproportionate amount of Nobel prizes won by Jews in an interview with the New Republic (October, 2013), saying he is “intrigued by” the “phenomenally high” number of Jewish laureates.

If one was to take the time to research comparable Jewish achievements in entertainment, politics, business, chess and religion, I am sure that a similar disproportionate record would be demonstrated. 

 Does the Trajectory of Evolution Bode Well for the Jewish Genetic Population?

As to Jewish genetic diseases, the outlook is favorable: as we advance into the future, medical science will find ways to decrease or eliminate entirely Jewish genetic diseases.

However, there is a genetic downside.  It is called anti-Semitism, and the Jewish population should seriously consider its implications.  Simplistically, if you link the cause of historical anti-Semitism to envy of the have-nots, then matters will worsen and get out of hand.  The reason for this is as humankind proceeds into the future, there will be more Jews and therefore more attendant jealousy which will culminate in more racial hatred, probably not only directed against Jews, but against any minority that is viewed as an achiever.  It would be of interest to see and analyze how other distinct genetic populations have fared in their evolutionary trajectory, and whether they have prospered, assimilated or have become extinct.

October 7th brings this concern into focus. Thus far Jewish innovation and initiative have not saved the day.






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