
Saturday, May 18, 2024

Behar Leviticus 25:1-26:2

  BehaLeviticus 25:1-26:2

 In Behar we read about proper conduct to a fellow Jew:  

At 25:17 -

“And you shall not wrong, one man his fellow Jew, and you shall fear your God, for I am the Lord, your God”.

At 25:25 -

“If your brother becomes destitute and sells some of his inherited property, his redeemer who is related to him shall come forth and redeem his brother's sale”.

At 25:35 -

“If your brother becomes destitute and his hand falters beside you, you shall support him [whether] a convert or a resident, so that he can live with you”.

At 25:36 –

“You shall not take from him interest or increase, and you shall fear your God, and let your brother live with you”.

At 25:37 -

“You shall not give him your money with interest, nor shall you give your food with increase”.

At 25:39 -

“And if your brother becomes destitute with you, and is sold to you, do not work him with slave labor”.

At 25:43 -

“You shall not work him with rigor, and you shall fear your God”.

At 25:47-48 -

“If a resident non Jew gains wealth with you, and your brother becomes destitute with him and is sold to a resident non Jew among you or to an idol of the family of a non Jew.

After he is sold, he shall have redemption; one of his brothers shall redeem him”.

Being a Member of the Tribe is not a bad deal.馃槂


At 25.23 we learn just who the Land of Israel belongs to:
 讜ְ讛ָ讗ָ专ֶ抓, 诇ֹ讗 转ִ诪ָּ讻ֵ专 诇ִ爪ְ诪ִ转ֻ转--讻ִּ讬-诇ִ讬, 讛ָ讗ָ专ֶ抓:  讻ִּ讬-讙ֵ专ִ讬诐 讜ְ转讜ֹ砖ָׁ讘ִ讬诐 讗ַ转ֶּ诐, 注ִ诪ָּ讚ִ讬.

"The land shall not be sold permanently, for the land belongs to Me, for you are strangers and  residents with Me".

This is a profound idea: the land that we were  commanded to possess as an inheritance is fundamentally not ours because we are only guests.   Hashem is the only one who truly possesses the holy land.  


Just as we must rest on the seventh day, so must the Land rest.
At 25:4 -
讜ּ讘ַ砖ָּׁ谞ָ讛 讛ַ砖ְּׁ讘ִ讬注ִ转, 砖ַׁ讘ַּ转 砖ַׁ讘ָּ转讜ֹ谉 讬ִ讛ְ讬ֶ讛 诇ָ讗ָ专ֶ抓--砖ַׁ讘ָּ转, 诇ַ讬讛讜ָ讛:  砖ָׂ讚ְ讱ָ 诇ֹ讗 转ִ讝ְ专ָ注, 讜ְ讻ַ专ְ诪ְ讱ָ 诇ֹ讗 转ִ讝ְ诪ֹ专.

"But in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of solemn rest for the land, a sabbath unto the LORD; thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard".

This rest for the Land is called the "shimitah" year.  It is observed in Israel. 



This week’s Haftarah portion is from Chapter 32 of the Book of Jeremiah which contains 52 chapters in all. The Prophet Jeremiah is a person who has the courage to be disliked.  By contrast, many of us go out of our way to be likable, to be popular, and to not upset the apple cart. We excel in maintain the status quo…not so Jeremiah:

The episode in the Haftarah portion takes place about one year prior to the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar destroying Jerusalem or about 587 BCE.  The setting is in a prison yard where Jeremiah has been incarcerated for speaking out against King Zedekiah.

I don’t know how prison yards looked 2,600 years ago or say 1500 BCE.  However you and I have watched enough thriller movies to picture the yard:

There is at least one huge muscular guy working out with an impossibly heavy barbell.  Many of the inmates have separated into groups, such as white supremacist skinheads or blacks or Latinos or whatever. And often there is one inmate who has been tasked with assassinating the good guy.


Returning to the reality of Jeremiah we learn that Hashem tells the Prophet that he will be visited by a close kinsman who will ask Jeremiah if he is interested in purchasing some family property located in the village of Anathoth, about 2.5 miles north of Jerusalem.  It is up for sale.  Jeremiah has been selected as a potential purchaser because 900 years prior at Mt. Sinai we were commanded by Hashem to keep our lands within our family, and not to sell our lands to someone outside of the family.  This commandment is found in Leviticus 25:25 and evidently was and is the rule of the Land:

 讻ִּ讬-讬ָ诪讜ּ讱ְ 讗ָ讞ִ讬讱ָ, 讜ּ诪ָ讻ַ专 诪ֵ讗ֲ讞ֻ讝ָּ转讜ֹ--讜ּ讘ָ讗 讙ֹ讗ֲ诇讜ֹ, 讛ַ拽ָּ专ֹ讘 讗ֵ诇ָ讬讜, 讜ְ讙ָ讗ַ诇, 讗ֵ转 诪ִ诪ְ讻ַּ专 讗ָ讞ִ讬讜.

“If your brother becomes destitute and sells some of his inherited property, his redeemer who is related to him shall come forth and redeem his brother's sale”.

The commandment takes more importance in purchasing back land from a non-Jew who had acquired previously owned  Jewish land. We have this today 2600 years later, particularly in Jerusalem, where Jewish individuals such as Irving Moskowitz, z’l, or Jewish organizations purchase land from Moslem landowners.

Jeremiah’s situation is somewhat different. He has been commanded by Hashem to purchase land that for all intents purposes is worthless. It is only a matter of time that Jerusalem will fall, many of us will go into exile and the real estate market will be in shambles.  This not a matter of buying low and selling high.  It is a matter, however, that Hashem will right the wrong, and Nebuchadnezzar’s days are limited, which is indeed what happened. In just a short time later, Cyrus the Great defeats the Babylonians and welcomes Jews to return to the Land.


Saturday, May 11, 2024



The parsha for this week is EMOR.  In the parsha among other things, there are stated laws that pertain to the Kohanim, and also the festivals of Jewish calendar, including the counting of the Omer. The mitzvah of Kiddush Hashem is also stated.

Just as important are Remembrance Day and Independence Day:

讬讜诐 讝讬讻专讜谉

讬讜诐 讛注爪诪讗讜转



In Parshat Emor we learn about the exalted character of the Kohanim and their responsibility to the nation of Israel.  They were our teachers.  

Who are our teachers today?

In our prayer service today, immediately before the Kohanim bless the congregation, they recite the following blessing:

讘专讜讱 讗转讛 讛讬 讗诇讜讞讬谞讜 诪诇讱 讛注讜诇诐 讗砖专 拽讚砖谞讜 讘拽讚谉砖转讜 砖诇 讗讛专讜谉 讜爪讜谞讜

诇讘专讱 讗转 注诪讜 讬砖专讗诇 讘讛讗讘讛

"Blessed are you Hashem our God, King of the universe who has sanctified us with the holiness of Ahron and commanded us to bless the people of Israel with love".

In the Ethics of the Fathers, 1:12, Hillel says:

讛讜讬 诪转诇诪讬讚讬讜 砖诇 讗讛专谉, 讗讜讛讘 砖诇讜诐 讜专讜讚祝 砖诇讜诐, 讗讜讛讘 讗转 讛讘专讬讜转 讜诪拽专讘谉 诇转讜专讛

"Be a disciple of Aaron, loving peace and pursuing peace, loving mankind and drawing them closer to the Torah”.


Jews burned alive for the alleged host desecration in Deggendorf, Bavaria, in 1338, and in Sternberg, Mecklenburg, in 1492; a woodcut from the Nuremberg Chronicle (1493)

At 22:32 we learn:
 讜ְ诇ֹ讗 转ְ讞ַ诇ְּ诇讜ּ, 讗ֶ转-砖ֵׁ诐 拽ָ讚ְ砖ִׁ讬, 讜ְ谞ִ拽ְ讚ַּ砖ְׁ转ִּ讬, 讘ְּ转讜ֹ讱ְ 讘ְּ谞ֵ讬 讬ִ砖ְׂ专ָ讗ֵ诇:  讗ֲ谞ִ讬 讬ְ讛讜ָ讛, 诪ְ拽ַ讚ִּ砖ְׁ讻ֶ诐.
"And you shall not profane My holy name; but I shall be sanctified among the children of Israel: I am the LORD who sanctifies you".

This verse is called "Kiddush Hashem, sanctification of the Name". it refers to private and communal conduct that reflects well on us, the Jewish people.

Kiddush Hashem also has an aspect of martyrdom or public self-sacrifice.  This is in accordance with Jewish practice and identity where there is the possibility of being killed for no other reason than being Jewish. There are specific conditions such as forced conversion that deal with self-sacrifice, be it willing or unwilling.

In Hebrew a martyr is known as a kaddosh which means "holy one", and martyrs are known as kedoshim meaning. The six million Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust are known as the Kedoshim.


In Parshat Emor we learn again about the eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth Law of Retaliation that has come down to mean monetary compensation for inflicting personal injury. There is one major exception: if you murder someone, you are put to death. There is no monetary compensation for taking someone's life. You cannot buy your way out.

At 21:23 we are taught 注ַ֚讬ִ谉 转ַּ֣讞ַ转 注ַ֔讬ִ谉 砖ֵׁ֖谉 转ַּ֣讞ַ转”, "An eye for an eye".

This is a principle that is sometimes referred to as reciprocal justice or measure for measure or in Latin, lex talionis, the law of retaliation or possibly equitable retribution. On its face this principle seems pretty straight forward: A person who has injured another person is to be penalized to a similar degree by the injured party.


I think the original intention of “An eye for an eye” may have been two-fold:

·        To prevent excessive punishment at the hands of either an avenging private party or his Family or Clan or Tribe. It served to prevent feuds and vendettas.

·        To ensure that the standard of care for a wealthy perpetrator, who may wish to buy his way out, be the same as for an improvised person.


At the time when we received the Torah at Mt. Sinai there was a Babylonian legal code present in Mesopotamia called the Code of Hammurabi.  Included in this code was the principle of “An eye for an eye”. What the law would have been in Egypt I do not know. I do know that 500 years later at the time of the Judges, as shown in 1:5-7 and Chapter 30 the law of retaliation was still in force.

Looking at the Book of Numbers, Chapter 35: 31-32 except for the crime of murder it may have been possible for a monetary payment, 讻ֹ驻ֶ专 to be acceptable in place of bodily punishment. Sometime later, it is hard to say when, the lex talionis was "humanized" by the Rabbis who interpreted "an eye for an eye" to mean reasonable monetary compensation.  The Rabbis of the Talmud interpreted it that way. And it is so today.

Question: Is this dangerous ground?  Is the reinterpretation of lex talionis an example of the ability of Judaism to adapt to changing social and intellectual ideas

Friday, May 10, 2024




 Remembrance Day and Independence Day:

讬讜诐 讝讬讻专讜谉

讬讜诐 讛注爪诪讗讜转

If you like these essays, you might also like a Facebook group:

Northern Israel Update

I hope you join..

You and I are pretty much on the same page.

We share similar values.

The focus of this group will be what is going on in Nahariya and northern Israel because there will be information that may be of interest to you, but which you probably do not have access to. Likewise, where there are national updates of interest, these will also be passed on.




This coming week we observe Yom HaZicharon.  We remember Israel’s fallen soldiers and civilian victims of terrorism. We light a Memorial candle. The siren will sound at 8 PM. Next morning at 11 AM the siren will sound again, and a memorial service will be held at the Nahariya military cemetery. At home we read Psalms 9 and 144. It is a sad day.

There is an on-going cost to keep us Israelis safe and free...

 Remembrance Day,讬讜诐 讝讬讻专讜谉. 

 On May 12th at 8 PM a siren will go off. and another one will sound on Monday at 11 AM. The country stands still for a moment of silence and remembers the fallen soldiers of the IDF and the victims of terror attacks.  

May their memory be for a blessing.

1,594 soldiers and civilians were killed in combat or by terror since Israel’s last Memorial Day, marking the deadliest year for the country’s security forces and civilians in five decades, and bringing the total tally of casualties to 30,134.

This year very dear to us are our losses in the current war, fighting the so called  Arab Palestinians, Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorists:

68 police officers

6 Shin Bet agents

39 local security

615 IDF killed.

3,362 IDF wounded

10,225 Israelis wounded.

253 hostages abducted on October 7.

134 hostages remain in trapped Gaza.3 killed by our own forces, at least 90 murdered by Hamas while in captivity?


讬讜诐 讝讬讻专讜谉,  MEMORIAL DAY

A reflection on Memorial Day, 讬讜诐 讝讬讻专讜谉  which we will celebrate this week. 

I get to the cemetery early. Some young people handed me a bouquet. I turned to the graves; there were so many of them. I did not know which one to lay the flowers on. I chose 34-year-old Lt. Eliyahu Tadri who perished in July of 1948. It has been a most sad day. I am in a blue funk. Nearby to Lt. Tadri were the graves of three 18-year-olds.

It has been a very sad day.

Immediately following Yom HaZichoron, Memorial Day, we began to celebrate Independence Day, Yom Ha’Atzmaut. During the Maariv service the Ark is opened; we say the Hallel and the Shofar is blown. It is festive, but I am still wrestling with my emotions from Yom HaZichoron. I don’t feel like dancing and the fireworks of Independence Day hold little attraction.

I drink a L'Chaiim to Lt. Tadri and go to bed.




Let's step back to 2016:

In 2016 there was a terrorist attack in Tel Aviv. Two Palestinian gunmen opened fire on patrons at the Max Brenner Caf茅 in the Sarona Market, killing four people and injuring seven others.

The attack was horrific, but the paradigm was not a new one.  While the slaughter was going on at Tel Aviv’s Sarona market, I was with a group of English speaking Olim in Nahariya.  We had gathered by an apartment building located at 19 Balfour Street.  In 1974 this building was also the site of a terrorist attack in which a mother and her two children aged 5 and 12 were murdered.

There were about two dozen of us Olim.  We walked around the building led by Motti Zarenkin who lost his wife, son and daughter that tearful night in 1974.  Motti began his story.  He took us to the rear of the building and showed us the first floor apartment where he and his family had lived some 42 years ago.  Motti pointed out two windows: a bedroom window through which his wife and children tried to make their escape and a bathroom window where he had started to climb through before being shot and severely wounded.

In 1974 there had been a series of terrorist raids in the Galilee.  It made sense for Israelis to have a plan in place in the event that their home became under attack.  Unfortunately the same is true today. The Zarenkin family had such a plan.  If under attack, Motti would lock the front door and then the family would escape through a bedroom window.   

The Zarenkins lived on the first floor of the building.  Late on the night of June 23, the concussion of a grenade and the sound of small arms fire quickly brought Motti to the terrifying truth that the building was under attack. He feared that the terrorists would break into his apartment, but he and his wife had planned for this frightening reality and so he ran to secure the front door. 

While Motti was locking the front door, his wife, son and daughter were exiting the apartment as planned on a rope previously woven from sheets.  They reached the ground and began running toward the street.  But they were spotted and a grenade killed all three of them.  Motti did not know this; he thought that he had saved his family.  When he tried to escape the apartment as well, through a bathroom window, he was shot.  Wounded, Motti climbed back into his apartment, where he hid until found by soldiers.

Motti was taken to the hospital and was being prepared for surgery.  This was the first of nine surgeries over a three month period.  Just before he went under the anesthesia, his brother-in-law told him that his wife and children had been killed.  “What will you do”, his brother-in-law asked?  “I will get through this and make a new life”, Motti responded. 

And although it is impossible to put yourself in his shoes, that’s what Motti did.  There is another piece to Motti’s story.  In 1979, Nahariya once again was under attack.  This time a mother lost her only infant child.  It was a terrible thing.  The mother was beyond reconciliation.  She would not able to speak or be with anyone.  Her grief was unimaginable.  Motti was asked to approach her which he did.  She knew who he was and what unspeakable agony he had gone through.  The mother and Motti spoke.  Like Motti, despite her tragedy she persevered.  Today she has a growing family.  Motti had saved her.

Motti moved to Haifa.  He built a new family, even grandchildren.  This was the first time that Motti chose to tell his story. It was beyond riveting. We were honored to have been selected to hear his story.  Motti was truly a man; resolute, a role model for all us Jews, and he makes me proud to be an Israeli. Moti passed away in 2020.

The terrorists who attacked the market in Tel Aviv were members of Hamas. They did not come from the sea as they did in 1974 and 1979.  They came from a town near Beersheba.  They are evil.  Hamas and Fatah are evil.  And as we have learned, sad but true; evil will not cure itself.

To the families of the slain Israelis in Tel Aviv: May the Almighty comfort you among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

For Motti’s deceased wife and children: Peace be upon them; May the memory of the Holy ones be for a blessing, and May Hashem avenge their blood.

The same is true today for all the fallen ones.

May their memory be for a blessing...Only simchas. Only good news.


 Independence Day,  讬讜诐 讛注爪诪讗讜转

This week we celebrate Israel’s Independence Day, 讬讜诐 讛注爪诪讗讜转

There is a prayer for the State of Israel that begins:

(讗) 讗ָ讘ִ讬谞讜ּ 砖ֶׁ讘ַּ砖ָּׁ诪ַ讬ִ诐,

(讘) 爪讜ּ专 讬ִ砖ְׂ专ָ讗ֵ诇 讜ְ讙讜ֹ讗ֲ诇讜ֹ,

(讙) 讘ָּ专ֵ讱ְ 讗ֶ转 诪ְ讚ִ讬谞ַ转 讬ִ砖ְׂ专ָ讗ֵ诇,

(讚) 专ֵ讗砖ִׁ讬转 爪ְ诪ִ讬讞ַ转 讙ְּ讗ֻ诇ָּ转ֵ谞讜ּ

Our Father in Heaven, Rock of Israel and Redeemer, Bless the State of Israel, the First flowering of Our Redemption.

                                                                                                                        According to Rabbi Sacks excerpted from the Koren Siddur, the phrase "the first flowering of our redemption" means that the restoration of Israel as a sovereign nation in its own land was not merely an event in secular history.

                                                                                                                                  It is the fulfillment of a prophetic vision--first stated by Moses in Deuteronomy 30:4 --that Israel would one day will be gathered from "the furthermost lands under the heavens". 

Astonishingly, this precise prediction has actually happened



Let's not forget the counting of the Omer, Wednesday night being the 20th day of the Omer count.

Rabbi Simon Jacobson provides spiritual insight into the counting of the Omer for each and every day. For the 20th Day of the Omer, which is day six of the third week we are directed to correct the flaw in the Sefirat known as Yesod of Tiferet. Here Tiferet is considered as compassion, and Yesod having within it the ability to bond.  Rabbi Jacobson explains how  the compassion of the day can be rectified:


"For compassion to be fully realized, it needs bonding. It requires creating a channel between giver and receiver. A mutuality that extends beyond the moment of need. A bond that continues to live on. That is the most gratifying result of true compassion. Do you bond with the one you have compassion for, or do you remain apart? Does your interaction achieve anything beyond a single act of sympathy?"


The 20th Day of the Omer coincides with Yom Ha'atzmaut.  Consider Rabbi Jacobson’s words in the context of a relationship between Jews outside of Israel and our Land of Israel.  

To correct the flaw in this Sefriat, Rabbi Jacobson proposes the following exercise: Ensure that something eternal is built (the Land of Israel) as a result of your (Jews living outside of Israel) compassion.

Saturday, May 4, 2024



If you like these Torah essays, you might also like a Facebook group:

Northern Israel Update

I hope you join..

You and I are pretty much on the same page.

We share similar values.

The focus of this group will be what is going on in Nahariya and northern Israel because there will be information that may be of interest to you, but which you probably do not have access to. Likewise, where there are national updates of interest, these will also be passed on.



The essential principal of the Torah, according to Rabbi Akiva is “Love your neighbor as yourself”, Leviticus 19:18. 

Kedoshim means holy, stated n the plural refering to all Jews.
The parashah tells of the laws of holiness and ethical behavior, repeats the ten commandments, and describes penalties for sexual transgressions.

The Parshah of kedoshim begins with the statement: “You shall be holy for I, the L‑rd your God, am holy.” This is followed by dozens of  commandments through which we Jews sanctify ourself. 
Kedoshim begins with the statement (19:2):
讚ַּ讘ֵּ专 讗ֶ诇-讻ָּ诇-注ֲ讚ַ转 讘ְּ谞ֵ讬-讬ִ砖ְׂ专ָ讗ֵ诇, 讜ְ讗ָ诪ַ专ְ转ָּ 讗ֲ诇ֵ讛ֶ诐--拽ְ讚ֹ砖ִׁ讬诐 转ִּ讛ְ讬讜ּ:  讻ִּ讬 拽ָ讚讜ֹ砖ׁ, 讗ֲ谞ִ讬 讬ְ讛讜ָ讛 讗ֱ诇ֹ讛ֵ讬讻ֶ诐. 

"Speak to all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say to them: You shall be holy; for I the LORD your God am holy".

This is followed by dozens of mitzvot through which we Jews are able to relate to the holiness of Hashem.  Among these laws are commandments about loving your neighbor, Shabbat, charity, honesty in business, sexual morality, respect and honor of parents, idolatry, equality before the law and the sacredness of life.

 When the Haftarah portion for Kedoshim stands on its own, in Sephardic communities, the Prophet Ezekiel is read.  At 20:19-20 the Prophet says:

 讗ֲ谞ִ讬 讬ְ讛讜ָ讛 讗ֱ诇ֹ讛ֵ讬讻ֶ诐, 讘ְּ讞ֻ拽ּ讜ֹ转ַ讬 诇ֵ讻讜ּ; 讜ְ讗ֶ转-诪ִ砖ְׁ驻ָּ讟ַ讬 砖ִׁ诪ְ专讜ּ, 讜ַ注ֲ砖ׂ讜ּ 讗讜ֹ转ָ诐

讜ְ讗ֶ转-砖ַׁ讘ְּ转讜ֹ转ַ讬, 拽ַ讚ֵּ砖ׁ讜ּ; 讜ְ讛ָ讬讜ּ 诇ְ讗讜ֹ转, 讘ֵּ讬谞ִ讬 讜ּ讘ֵ讬谞ֵ讬讻ֶ诐--诇ָ讚ַ注ַ转, 讻ִּ讬 讗ֲ谞ִ讬 讬ְ讛讜ָ讛 讗ֱ诇ֹ讛ֵ讬讻ֶ诐

“I am the Lord your God: walk in My statutes, and keep My ordinances and fulfill them. And keep My Sabbaths holy so that they be a sign between Me and you, that you may know that I am the Lord your God”.


For Ashkenazi Jews the haftarah selection from Amos, 9:7-15.

14 - "And I will return the captivity of My people Israel, and they shall rebuild desolate cities and inhabit [them], and they shall plant vineyards and drink their wine, and they shall make gardens and eat their produce.

15 - And I will plant them on their land, and they shall no longer be uprooted from upon their land, that I have given them, said the Lord your God".

Unless you are in a state of complete denial, it is very difficult not to believe that we are living in miraculous times, a time of redemption.



In the Torah portion at 19:18, HaShem says:
讜ְ讗ָ讛ַ讘ְ转ָּ 诇ְ专ֵ注ֲ讱ָ 讻ָּ诪讜ֹ讱ָ: 讗ֲ谞ִ讬, 讬ְ讛讜ָ讛

 “…and you shall love your neighbor as yourself I am the Lord.”

In order to understand how to do this it is very important for us to know what the word “love” means.  After all, every day at least twice a day we say “ You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart….” (Devarim 6:5).

Love” in the context of Vayikra 19:18 and Devarim 6:5 is not romantic love.  It is not a Hallmark greeting card message for Valentine’s Day.  The subtext of “Love” in the Chumash of 3400 years ago is loyalty in the extreme and nothing more.  

The proclamation, “I am the Lord,” underscores that loving one’s neighbor is tantamount of our duty to love God.
Hashem’s demand for loyalty is a reflection of His fiercely protective right to Israel, His possession.  In Exodus 20:5 and 34:14 we see: 

“You shall neither prostrate yourself before them nor worship them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God…”

“For you shall bow down to no other god; for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God”.

People: You have been warned. Best watch your step.

At 19:4 Hashem says: 

“You shall not turn to the worthless idols, nor shall you make molten deities for yourselves. I am the Lord, your God”.

This is one of many times when we are prohibited from worshiping idols.


At 19:9-10 we learn:

讜ּ讘ְ拽ֻ爪ְ专ְ讻ֶ诐 讗ֶ转-拽ְ爪ִ讬专 讗ַ专ְ爪ְ讻ֶ诐, 诇ֹ讗 转ְ讻ַ诇ֶּ讛 驻ְּ讗ַ转 砖ָׂ讚ְ讱ָ 诇ִ拽ְ爪ֹ专; 讜ְ诇ֶ拽ֶ讟 拽ְ爪ִ讬专ְ讱ָ, 诇ֹ讗 转ְ诇ַ拽ֵּ讟.

讜ְ讻ַ专ְ诪ְ讱ָ 诇ֹ讗 转ְ注讜ֹ诇ֵ诇, 讜ּ驻ֶ专ֶ讟 讻ַּ专ְ诪ְ讱ָ 诇ֹ讗 转ְ诇ַ拽ֵּ讟:  诇ֶ注ָ谞ִ讬 讜ְ诇ַ讙ֵּ专 转ַּ注ֲ讝ֹ讘 讗ֹ转ָ诐, 讗ֲ谞ִ讬 讬ְ讛讜ָ讛 讗ֱ诇ֹ讛ֵ讬讻ֶ诐.

"When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not fully reap the corner of your field, nor shall you gather the gleanings of your harvest.

And you shall not glean your vineyard, nor shall you collect the [fallen] individual grapes of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger. I am the Lord, your God".


Following the thoughts of Rabbi Simon Jacobson:

We are entering into the 2nd week of counting the Omer.   The emphasis is on Gevurah or Discipline, ShebeGevurah, 

 Discipline is the channels through which we express love. It gives our life and love direction and focus. Take a laser beam: Its potency lies in the focus and concentration of light in one direction rather than fragmented light beams dispersed in all different directions.

Discipline and measure concentrates and directs our efforts, our love in the proper directions. Another aspect of gevurah is respect and awe. Healthy love requires respect for the one you love.



Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Day 2024 will be begin at sunset on Sunday, the 5th of May. 

Yom Hashoah is a national day of commemoration in Israel, on which the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust are memorialized. It is a solemn day, beginning at sunset on the 27th of the month of Nisan and ending the following evening,  Places of entertainment are closed and memorial ceremonies are held throughout the country.

There will be a sounding of a siren for two minutes throughout the entire country. For the duration of the sounding, work is halted, people walking in the streets stop, cars pull off to the side of the road and everybody stands at silent attention in reverence to the victims of the Holocaust. 

Throughout the day, both the television and radio broadcast programs about the Holocaust.

To their shame, some Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox rabbis have never endorsed this memorial day.  The moment of silence is by some purposely ignored because of the secular origins of the memorial.